Unleashing the power of buildings – new ambitious EU legislation, what next?
Energy efficiency and renewables: building Europe’s energy transition together
Long-term solutions for industrial policy - The energy efficiency ecosystem
Winning the skills race - Developing the future energy efficiency workforce
FOOD FOR THOUGHT - #eeday2023
This section is enriched with opinions and editorials from business leaders. Are you interested and would like to contribute? Please get in contact.
Agenda #eeday 2022
The first edition of European Energy Efficiency Day took place on 13 October 2022. This high-level conference brought together leading policymakers, business players, civil society organisations and energy experts. We succeeded in our goal to create a new, unique platform to explore cost efficient and socially fair decarbonisation solutions and increasing awareness on energy savings as the way forward to achieve the EU Green Deal.
Energy efficiency and renewables: building Europe's energy transition together
Powered by Enel
Reaping the benefits of the water-energy nexus
Powered by Xylem
Empowering city districts through digitalisation and system integration
Powered by Siemens Smart Infrastructure
Making industry “Fit for 55”
Powered by Ecolab
Energy efficiency: first fuel to drive Europe’s energy sovereignty
Powered by Knauf Insulation
Energy efficienct buildings to improve the health and well-being of citizens
Powered by Velux
Watch #EEDay 2022
Energy efficiency and renewables: building Europe’s energy transition together
Reaping the benefits of the water-energy nexus
Energy efficiency and renewables: building Europe’s energy transition together
Making industry Fit for 55″
Energy efficiency: first fuel to drive Europe’s sovereignty
Energy efficient buildings to improve citizen’s health and wellbeing
FOOD FOR THOUGHT - #eeday 2022
The next edition of European Energy Efficiency Day will take place in autumn 2025 Get in touch for more information